“FreeBSD Mastery: Storage Essentials” print available!

You can now get FreeBSD Mastery: Storage Essentials in print on Amazon.

If you buy the print from Amazon, you can get the Kindle version for $2.99. Sadly, that’s the closest thing to a proper print/ebook combo I’ve been able to do.

For completeness’ sake: you can also buy it directly from my CreateSpace store. As sales go, that’s where I make the most money. It’s also the most expensive version. If you want to pay extra so I make more I won’t object, but I will suggest you avoid the middleman and go straight to me.

It will appear in places like Powell’s in the coming weeks.

Now to finish “Networking for Systems Administrators,” complete the design on the next tech book, finish the outline for the Immortal Clay sequel, and finish outlining the intertwined morass that is my next three FreeBSD Mastery books.

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